10/08/2024 (very first little blog thing)

I had the strangest dream last night. In short, I was in bed and somehow knew the door was unlocked to let in fresh air. All of a sudden, three deers came in and started eating from a grass patch from my floor. I ran to my parent's bedroom to tell them that a bunch of deer were in our house and prepared to get yelled at. But I wasnt yelled at, and instead, my dad shot at the deer INSIDE the house. I saw one of the deer had a third eye ???? Idk man. After 'going back to sleep', I wake up with my mom telling me that we're (me, my mom, my dad, and younger brother) going to visit my grandma and aunt. By how the windows were opened, I think maybe this dream took place in Bratislava (since in Europe, the structure of houses are different than in America). We walk a little to this three story condo in the city and we're greeted by my grandma, who speaks perfect english. She gives us a tour around this condo. The interior seems to look a lot like your stereotypical Eastern European house hold. However not all rooms had things in them. Some were completely empty with red Russian letters on them. One of these rooms were apparently my mom's. My grandmother said ,"This was your mother's room. This is where you will be staying *points towards me*", and im kinda just like 'oookay'. This room was very bland. It looked like a liminal space photo I saw a while back of a room with only a dresser, mirror, wardrobe, and a bed with saturated pink sheets. There was also red russian text on the walls and I decided to ask my grandmother about it. She said it was some kind of propoganda and that they weren't allowed to remove it ? Ooookay i guess. As she gave us a tour of the rest of the house, we're broguht to the balcony. This balcony had nothing on it but a big patch of grass on top (second floor balcony). I want to assume it was because they were in the city and there wasn't a patch of grass in sight, but it was really weird because how would that grass grow there ??? There was no dirt anywhere, but that's besides the point. My family and I were going to step on the balcony, but it looked like it was going to collapse. It started rocking and we asked if the balcony was safe. My aunt chimmed in and said "Oh its perfectly safe ! We sit here all the time in the morning and afternoons" and then both my aunt and grandmother go and sit in the middle of the balcony, criss cross apple sauce, and just sat there. They did absolutely nothing after. And thats when I woke up, confused as shit. Idk that dream felt very liminal. (The condo kinda gave off the vibes of the bottom photos).